TMI – Lessons learned in the Shower

I know you are thinking, “what is she thinking”?  It is so hard to always capture the thoughts, lists and to do items when they come into my head – those things seem to be running loose in my head all day long and I just don’t seem to remember where I wrote them down or a phone call interrupts a thought process or the doorbell rings , somebody comes by my desk – so, it is often when I have rested and am getting ready for my day that those “lists” start running through my head.  Sure wish I knew how to have a notepad and pencil – waterproof in my shower.

My thoughts this week have migrated to the sermon from Sunday and thoughts and inspirations of practicing and being intentional in my daily faith and relationship walks.  And, that brings me back to the shower – my soap bar!

My faith walk began like  a fresh soap bar – love that feeling of how I feel as it washes the dirt, germs and sweat off my body and down the drain they go.   That big ole bar of soap has so much potential for “cleaning me up” and making me smell and look good – to those around.  However, after about a week, that “big” bar is reduced down to a very thin piece of soap – and doesn’t provide much lather or chance to clean my body and runs the risk of washing away to nothing – unless, I re-fresh it with a new bar.

The relationship I began as a young girl with God is so very similar – or, at least I draw the analogy.  All aspects of personal relationships begin as a “fresh” new bar of soap but over time they are reduced to near nothing unless there is something to infuse them.  In the shower, I refresh with another bar of soap and “marry” the two pieces – the weak one that is pressed against the new bar will be absorbed into it over the next day and the opportunity to have a fully lathered shower to clean me continues.

I have been contemplating what do I do to refresh and infuse my relationships – with God, my husband, my children, my friends, co-workers and the list goes on.  How intentional am I to be sure I have the supplies or am putting forth the effort to not let my “bar” whittle away to nothing.  If my efforts are all down the drain, does that mean I have no relationships – no, it just means I have to start over from scratch and often it takes a bath or two to get that new bar juiced up and able to produce alot of bubbles and lather.

Starting over from scratch in any relationship or circumstance can happen but may take a little extra coaxing.  So, happy showering and contemplating – don’t give up on any relationship, circumstance – keep “marrying” those pieces of soap and if you have to, try some body wash!






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