….In a New York minute, like bolt of lightning, as fast as the jack-rabbit, one fleeting moment, ……. I am sitting here tonight with the tickets from the Lottery pool I participated in from my work. Yep, I have “invested” a whole $6.00 in this “chance in a million plus” opportunity….. Did you buy one of those tickets?
Yesterday, I reflected on a blog entry from a friend about the whole hype behind THIS lottery opportunity. Yep, I keep saying “opportunity” – it is all about how one sees life – is the glass half full or half empty?
I have spent these last weeks and months in one of the best times of my working career. With a few detours along my career path, I have thoroughly enjoyed various aspects of the transitioning out of one CEO and the ushering in of a new one. Now, what does this have with the Lottery? As much as everyone thinks they would “call it a day” with employment if they won the Lottery or to put it another way, “when their ship came in” – I am finding it very hard to think about giving up something that is meeting a need in my life along with providing me a great deal of satisfaction and fulfillment.
Tonight, in a few short minutes or hour, there will be a drawing that in “split seconds” – a life will be changed or maybe two or three or the pool that you joined in on for the winning ticket. It will not take long to have a machine pop out some numbers and if I am lucky, in less than a minute, my life will change. And, “if” that happens, I suspect I will have to pause and give some thought to how this will affect the rest of my life
I have given much thought to “split minute”, instant or very quick decisions – as much as I like to think that I give every decision its fair and due diligence, I must admit that I can make a choice or decision “as quick as a jack rabbit”! I have thought long and hard about how some of these “quick” choices often have life-changing and altering results in one’s life – many bring great joy and excitement and hope and others bring sadness, great losses and devastation.
As I reflected on my friend’s blog and thoughts, regardless of whether I win tonight or not, I hope I can put forth the same effort and excitement and enthusiasm I have mustered up for this “fleeting moment” for some other purpose in my life.
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