Seems we all have been somewhat consumed with our legislative processes over this past year – whether it has been on the national, local or international level. I think we have all gained new perspectives and even our awareness has been heightened to higher levels on how our government processes work. We are finding ourselves disappointed and some may be encouraged by these processes.
Today, I am keenly aware of the “process” and the one thing that is happening is what I call “selling one’s soul”. Yes, there will be more bargaining and jockeying and lobbying for one’s vote today in Congress. Based on earlier news reports there has to be a “change of heart” of 13. There will be more promises made to secure one of these 13 “crossovers” and most of the promises will never be fulfilled because they just can’t be honored and/or they will be extraordinary in expectations.
I have grown up being leery of a “hurried” decision, rush to judgement without the facts or tried and true experiments to prove something is for the good of all or better yet, it is not for the “good of all”! Today seems to be one of those days, I fear, that there will be and is being a “forced” vote to satisfy a few and the results are short-changing more of us from the basics of healthcare.
If I was one of those “13” and they needed my vote for this repeal of the Affordable Care Act, you better know that I would certainly make it worth a very tangible reward for the good of all my constituents.
My disclaimer: I am a firm believer that the health care systems in our country have been broken, long before the ACA was implemented 7 years ago. I am experiencing the high costs and have paid for individual and independent health insurance and it is more expensive than most mortgages. Before Congress moves forward, they (who have the best healthcare options in the world), owe it to all of us to do their due diligence and evaluate what they propose as if they have to use the same.
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