I know many have used these expressions to put into perspective a good thing from a bad situation. We often take them for granted and don’t see the “silver linings” or “the light at the end of the tunnel” of whatever we may be enduring, suffering or facing.
Today, I drove Paul to the car rental locations at the airport as he picked up a rental car to drive to West Virginia. He is headed there to be a “volunteer” with the American Red Cross and IEEE organizations as they assist and provide much needed relief for those who have experienced the 500 year flood catastrophe in recent weeks. Some may know that Paul has served the Triangle Red Cross chapter for 6 years and continues to be an avid supporter and volunteer, not to mention a regular blood donor. Now, for many who know Paul, giving the “gift of life” with regularity is truly a sacrifice on his part….I cannot tell you, probably shouldn’t burst his bubble; how many times he has gotten weak at the sight of needles or when given a shot. However, he stepped up to the challenge as a board member to do this and has not wavered from this for over 6 years.
Paul has been a member of the IEEE organization since he was at NCSU as a student in electrical engineering – this is his technical society and association with many in the same profession plus many other similar affiliates. Over these last 10 plus years, he has been engaged in various aspects of leadership within his section and region, nationally and even internationally (our trip of a lifetime to Paris and then Amsterdam had ties to IEEE). In his involvement with IEEE, he feels a passion to impart some of his experiences, opportunities and insights with the younger “students” and members as they blaze the trails of work to make our world a better place through inventions, innovations, ideas and experimentation.
Some time ago, maybe 3 years ago, Paul had the opportunity to hear the vision of how IEEE could be of assistance in the times of a disaster. Many know of how the Red Cross is first on the scenes of home fires and helps our military in so many ways plus Blood Drives at churches and employers, etc. However, the vision of 2 folks on how to have a “truck” equipped to help in times of great needs by a professional organization begins to stretch one’s imagination of “what could they possibly do. Well, as Paul heard their vision, he knew they needed to be connected to the #1 Responder at a time of disasters – American Red Cross. As he will say, he did what “networking” is all about – he connected the two parties to work out details and what do you know……

This spring, Paul and I attended the Southeastern Regional meeting of IEEE and saw the MOVE truck – massive vehicle that is totally equipped with technology from satellite dish, generators, electrical connections and a wall to charge 100 cell phone batteries. Nothing like this has been an option for a disaster area and when you think of the great needs of communication after an event, supporting workers in the disaster areas, helping the victims of disaster with charging batteries for medical equipment, etc., I could not help but be “moved” at what this vehicle can mean to an area suffering a major catastrophe. Everyone who has seen this vehicle has been hoping it would be put to use and the sad part of why it gets put to use…..disaster!
So, for the past 10 days, Paul has been preparing as he has been “called into action” to go and be technology assistance in the area with the MOVE truck as it is now an affiliate of what the Red Cross can offer a disaster location. He is packed with enough clothes to last for a couple of weeks, unlikely there will be any laundry that can be done, will be likely be fed through the NC Baptist Men’s food truck and other humanitarian relief groups being of assistance and doing whatever is needed to be done for the time that he can commit.
I share this story with you because I am so excited and appreciative of what and who the Red Cross is and does. I am just as excited to see what a non-humanitarian organization has had the vision to do to make “lemonade out of lemons”. I can only imagine how thankful someone will be to have a charged phone to call a loved one, apply for much need aid, find a location to sleep or get transportation and charge a piece of medical equipment.
I also share this story with you about a man I call my husband. Over these past 10 years, I cannot tell you how many gallons of lemonade he has made from the lemons in life. He gives when many have withered up and withdrawn. His giving comes from unloading a dishwasher to taking out trash to giving of his time to church needs, to Red Cross and IEEE. He believes in giving back to his profession and he has done so in a real paying job and just as many personal volunteer hours. In spite of the challenges of unemployment, he has remained busy – sometimes too busy but is always willing to meet for coffee with someone who is facing job challenges; networking and connecting one another who can help each other for a project or initiative and lastly, what I love more than words can express – his commitment to his mother on a weekly basis and to my mom.
I know of no one I would rather sit and share a glass of lemonade with than him – life is sweeter because of the “sour” we have known….. Enjoy a tall lemonade today and make someone’s day a little sweeter!
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