Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Family Ties that Bind

    Over this past weekend, I was visiting with my mother.  Last week, she got the news of her older sister suffering a serious stroke that is having life compromising affects.  Over the weekend, we have learned that her immediate family has been called in and she is in hospice care.  We are anticipating her departure…

  • What do I deserve…..

    Another one of these times in my life that a particular word keeps resonating…..entitlement.  What does it mean – according to some Google and Webster research, it means:  having a right to have, do or receive something; a feeling or belief of being eligible for special privileges; or a type of financial support provided by…

  • ….Split seconds

    ….In a New York minute, like  bolt of lightning, as fast as the jack-rabbit, one fleeting moment, ……. I am sitting here tonight with the tickets from the Lottery pool I participated in from my work.  Yep, I have “invested” a whole $6.00 in this “chance in a million plus” opportunity…..  Did you buy one…

  • ….appropriate

    Do you ever get “wrapped around the axle” on either an idea, concept, opinion, etc.?   Well, I do occasionally …. (and don’t ask my family the question because they will say I get “obsessed”)! We have moved along in our society to often believe and act on the premise of “anything goes” and is acceptable.…

  • Happy New Year….

    Well, I have opened a new calendar this morning – have you?  As I looked through the year – not sure what I expected to see “down the road”, I found myself also reflecting on this past year…..  Just as many of you, I take the “old” calendar and transfer important dates to me, birthdays,…

  • Ruffled Tablecloths and stacking hymn books

    This weekend, the church where Paul and I met some 40 plus years ago and where our family has called “our “church home for most of these years, will celebrate its 70th anniversary.  As I reflected on this milestone in the history of our church, my heart has felt a twinge or two, three, four,…..  My…

  • Labor Day

    I know, that was last weekend.  For me, it is actually today….3 years ago I began a new job. I have to admit that I have had an intermittent life in the labor force…my earliest job was babysitting and I met that with great joy as I worked for $.50 and hour – unless I…

  • The Power of your Words

    I have been pushing through a difficult time with my work.  It is one of those times when I can see the silver lining ahead if I just keep on going….  In the midst of this exercise and discipline of endurance, I have felt a little “overworked, under-appreciated and under-paid”.   Well, truth be told,…

  • What you don’t see….

    Been almost 3 months since I have put my thoughts down on paper….  Over these months, I have been consumed with life – much like you.  It has been during this period of time that I have allowed some “weeds” to take “a hold” in my daily routines or lack thereof.  You know how you…

  • One step at a time

    Whatever I do often begins with one step, one word, etc. – but, a beginning often requires a conscious action on my part.  The older I get, the more I “think before speaking” and some people (aka, my family) may wonder if that is really true.  I have also attempted to apply the “listen before…

Got any book recommendations?