Do you ever get “wrapped around the axle” on either an idea, concept, opinion, etc.? Well, I do occasionally …. (and don’t ask my family the question because they will say I get “obsessed”)!
We have moved along in our society to often believe and act on the premise of “anything goes” and is acceptable. Well, I really don’t warm to this thought process because I believe there is a time and a place for behaviors, actions, and appearances.
There seems to be lapses in interpretations of this concept and definition. As I looked up the word to be reminded of what does it mean, I found words like: suitable, fitting, proper, right, correct. In addition, I found when it is used as another form of speech, it takes on the meaning that many seem to use more frequently: seize, assume, usurp, adopt……
I grew up with a daddy who wore a hat/cap every day of the year, whether it was 100 degrees or 10 degrees. I also watched his “appropriate” behavior and respect with how he wore the hat, he took it off when he was in ANY building, he took it off at the singing of The National Anthem or the passing of the flag, he would tip his head/hat when he approached someone as a greeting or acknowledgement.
I grew up with a mama who provided me instructions (and still does) on “appropriate” attire. I know times have changed – I have got that!!! At my age, I am not wearing what I wore at 18 because frankly, it is not appropriate and truthfully, may not have been then!!!! However, I got “struck” yesterday at a restaurant by a young woman (less than 25 years of age, I guess) who had on an outfit that on the 4th of July “might” have been appropriate!!!! This was a minimal dress of sheer red fabric, with spaghetti straps, and upper thigh length. She had on her “rope” platform sandals – which, incidentally made the dress appear to be much shorter. She then expressed to her fella how cold she was and yep, she got to “seize” the opportunity for a nice warm bear hug!!!!
I hear often on the morning news, the weather people explain to parents that the temperatures are minus 15 degrees and you “might” want to consider putting a coat on “Junior” or “Susie” as they go the bus-stop. I then head out for my day and see them at the bus-stops in shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops.
So, as I am facing the New Year and continue to attempt to be open minded, forward thinking, accepting of differences; I believe if I and others would give more thought to “appropriate” actions, behaviors or expressions of opinions (whose toes am I stepping on now), we might just find less offensiveness. In my case, I am often left just wondering, “what are people thinking? Or better yet, did they?
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